Food & Drink Oct 23, 2012

Sigur Ros Selects a Winner for their Mystery Film Experiment

The Sigur Ros Mystery Film Experiment invited film makers and video directors to create an original video for a chosen track from their new album Valtari. The musicians received 834 films, and on their website shared how difficult it was to choose from “so much artistic endeavor.” They ultimately chose five runner ups rather than the promised three, as they claimed “it would have been unfair to exclude any, exhibiting as they did absolutely different creative imperatives.”

The winning video, ‘Skinned,’ was directed by Anafelle Liu. It features a body covered in muck, clawing at itself to the instrumental “Fjögur Píanó,” the album’s closing track. The director describes it as “a restless self sculpturing of one’s body. It is a glimpse of the corporeal unconscious, forever trapped in Lacan’s double sided mirror.” The band says the video is “disturbing and simple,” and that it “keeps you coming back.” They also commented on how “it was also probably pretty cheap and relatively easy to make, which is appealing since it reinforces the notion that best ideas are often the least complicated.” 

Click here to read more at about the Sigur Ros video winner.

