News Apr 26, 2012

Shop the Golden Hat Foundation to Support Autism Awareness

‘A Mother’s Courage: Talking Back to Autism’ is a documentary by Fridrik Thor Fridriksson and tells the story of Margret, a mother who has done everything in her power to help her son. Keli Thorsteinsson is eleven years old and has severe autism – his mother doesn‘t even know if he understands what goes on around him. Even if Margret holds no unrealistic expectations on behalf of Keli, she has the quenchless thirst for knowledge about the mysterious and complex condition that autism undeniably is. Along the way, Margret meets other families and hears their unique stories about how they too have been touched by autism.

On a course set to include the United States and Europe, she meets with scientists in the field of autism and autism therapies and the parents of children with autism who share her passion: to break down the wall between the children and the surrounding world. This journey becomes lengthier and more dramatic than she envisioned at the start. During the trip, she catches a glimpse of hope that her son can be helped to a larger degree than previously assumed.

Perhaps it is possible to break down the wall of autism and get to know the individual behind it?

A Mother’s Courage: Talking Back to Autism is narrated by Academy Award-winning actress Kate Winslet.

To visit the official store of the Golden Hat Foundation, click here.

