Wineland, otherwise known as “Vinland,” was the name given to an area of North America by the Norse Vikings and Leif Eriksson. The exact date of discovery and geographic location cannot be pinpointed with complete certainty, but some believe the Vikings first came across this land nearly 1,000 years ago in what is now Newfoundland, Canada.
In a lecture at the Scandinavia House in New York City on Tuesday, August 12, Icelandic author and meteorologist Páll Bergþórsson will provide his own professional insight into this widely debated topic. Throughout his career, Bergþórsson has scrutinized cultural Icelandic sagas, archaeology, geography, meteorology, and botany among a litany of other things to uncover where Eriksson’s true Vinland was located. Bergþórsson’s fascinating story of historical sleuthing offers a glimpse into what the explorations of Eriksson and the Norse Vikings may have been like.
Páll Bergþórsson is the author of The Wineland Millennium: Saga and Evidence/Vínlandsgátan, which was nominated for the Icelandic Literature Prize in 1997. From 1989 to 1993 Bergþórsson served as director of the Icelandic Meteorological Office. After his retirement from the Icelandic Meteorological Office, Bergþórsson embarked on four expeditions between 1996 and 2002 to examine local conditions in relationship to the Icelandic explorers in America.
- Who: Páll Bergþórsson, co-presented by the Consulate General of Iceland
- What: Free lecture “Searching for Wineland”
- When: Tuesday, August 12 at 6:30pm
- Where: 58 Park Avenue @ 38th Street New York, NY 10016
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