Food & Drink Feb 13, 2014

Reykjavik Calling Concert in Portland, Maine

Free concert features Sin Fang, Retro Stefson and Hermigervill.

The Reykjavik Calling concert at SPACE Gallery kicks off the Iceland Cometh! weekend in Portland. The concert will include performances by Icelandic artists Sin Fang, Retro Stefson and Hermigervill. Presented by Iceland Naturally, SPACE Gallery, Eimskip and Soli DG, admission to the concert is free. Click here to get your free Reykjavik Calling concert ticket now!

SPACE will also show HEIMA, a film by Icelandic artist Sigur Ros on Saturday, March 15, as a part of the Iceland Cometh! weekend.

All three artists will then travel to Boston for Taste of Iceland in Boston’s Reykjavik Calling Concert on Saturday, March 15 at The Middle East.

About the Artists

An electronic artist, Hermigervill is known for his truly unpredictable and quirky live performances filled with human musical emotion. Retro Stefson takes an adventurous approach to pop music that Iceland is known for, combined with distinctly ‘Afropop’ elements. Led by Mar Sigfusson, Sin Fang’s most recent album, Flowers, is described as “indie-rooted but vast, quirky at times but crystal-clearly aiming at the stars in other places.”

SPACE is a nonprofit contemporary arts venue that fosters true creativity through their mission to present contemporary emerging and unconventional art, artists and ideas. SPACE embraces risk and innovation through bold programming choices and curiosity-driven curating of exhibits and events. As an incubator, SPACE helps emerging and mid-career artists present their new work, while making unconventional art and ideas more accessible to the general public.

WHO: Sin Fang, Retro Stefson, Hermigervill
WHAT: Free Reykjavik Calling Concert
WHERE: SPACE Gallery | 538 Congress St. | Portland | ME | 04101
WHEN: Friday, March 14, 2014 | Doors open at 8:00 pm | Concert starts at 8:30 pm


