News Aug 29, 2011

LOKAL Festival

This year’s program is the result of discussions and plans going back a few years. Last year we focused on new Nordic theatre and we keep on highlighting some of the strong collectives working on the Scandinavian scene today. Two of those are Verk Produksjoner from Oslo and Obliva from Helsinki and a second Norwegian group, Mobile Homes, collaborates with the Icelandic “Internet Theatre“ Room 408 on a new project that premiers at the festival. Another exciting premiere is “The Island“, a collaboration between LÓKAL and the Núna/Now arts festival in Winnipeg, featuring Icelandic and Western-Icelandic artists. There are more representatives of Western-Icelandic theatre, e.g. who travel from Montreal to Reykjavík with a unique performance based on texts by Jean Cocteau. Last but not least we invite our audiences to see a couple of last season’s great Icelandic productions, staged by Me & My Friends and Always the Thief.

In addition to the main program (and the post-show talks!) we welcome artists from Núna/Now who bring us “Now/Núna“, an evening of entertainment; theatre, movies and music. We also invite people to peek into the future of Icelandic theatre by introducing 3 new theatremakers who just finished their studies at the theory&practice program at the Iceland Academy of the Arts.  

On Sunday the 4th, the Icelandic Theatre Institute holds a symposium as part of LÓKAL 2011. The symposium which focuses on the role of the producer and international relations starts at 11:00.

Click here

for the schedule of events.

