Business & Government Jun 18, 2018

The LGBT Global Acceptance Index Names Iceland the Most Accepting Country in the World!

The study reveals Icelanders’ acceptance and support of the LGBTQIA community.

This year, Iceland was recognized by the Williams Institute at the UCLA School of Law’s Global Acceptance Index as the most accepting country in the world out of over 140 countries! This comes as no surprise, however, as Iceland has been working to support LGBTQIA rights for decades. Check out some of these interesting facts about the LGBTQIA community in Iceland in honor of Pride Month 2018!

  1. The OECD ranked Iceland #1 on its list of LGBTI acceptance in 2017. 

  2. Same sex marriage has been legalized in Iceland since 2010.

  3. There are a number of organizations in Iceland dedicated to gay rights, including the National Queer Organization which was founded in 1978.

  4. In 2009, Iceland’s Prime Minister Johanna Sigurdardottir made history when she became the world’s first openly gay head of state.

  5. Each year, Iceland celebrates Reykjavík Pride, which is one of the biggest events in Iceland and one of the “the biggest small Pride” events in the world, attracting approximately 100,000 attendees from across the globe!

Use the hashtag #NordicsForEquality to show your support for the LGBTQIA Icelandic community, as well as LGBTQIA rights across the world! And to stay up to date on all things Iceland, be sure to follow us on Twitter at @IcelandNatural

