Food & Drink Jan 30, 2020

Learn How Chefs Are Revolutionizing The Icelandic Culinary Scene!

These up-and-coming chefs work to promote Icelandic cuisine across the world.

With a new generation of outstanding chefs putting a new twist on traditional ingredients, the Icelandic culinary scene continues to flourish. Thanks to its clean nature, pure water, and geothermal energy, Icelanders have access to a variety of fresh produce year-round! 

Since the first settlement, Icelanders have enjoyed fresh fish from the Atlantic, the unique dairy product skyr, and pure-bred free-range lamb that grazes in the highlands. The lamb’s exceptional quality, texture, and flavor make it the natural choice of leading chefs.  

The Icelandic Culinary Team plays a crucial role in developing and promoting local cuisine. Recognizing the importance of a wide range of role models, the culinary team actively works towards gender equality in what tends to be a predominantly male profession. This has resulted in a robust and versatile industry of professionals. With a more balanced gender ratio, the Icelandic culinary field continues to gain a broader perspective, resulting in an even more productive and vibrant culture.  

Chef Hrefna Sætran is a leader in the field. As a key member of the Icelandic Culinary Team for ten years, she competed numerous times in the Culinary World Championships as well as the Culinary Olympics. Hrefna is the owner and creator of leading restaurants, the Fish Market, and the Grill Market, both located in central Reykjavík. She continues to make her mark on the culinary industry in a variety of ways, inspiring up-and-coming chefs and promoting Icelandic cuisine to the world. 

Find Hrefna’s restaurants and other Icelandic Lamb partner restaurants here.

What is your favorite Icelandic dish? Let us know in the comments below or on Twitter!

