Nature & Environment Aug 08, 2018

Learn about Iceland’s Renewable Energy from Landsvirkjun!

Find out how Iceland has established itself as a global leader in renewable energy.

Iceland is leading the way in using renewable energy to power the country due to its unique geography and geology, which supplies both hydro and geothermal resources. Thanks to Landsvirkjun’s three visitors centers, you can see exactly how that energy is converted into electricity.

At the Ljósafoss Power Station, visitors can witness the evolution of electricity, which shows how quickly people began to rely on the utility once it was introduced. With this interactive exhibit, even visitors with no knowledge of how electricity works will be able to enjoy the playful experiments and learn about the processes. Guests are also introduced to the specific renewable and sustainable energy generation used by Landsvirkjun, including hydropower, geothermal energy and wind energy.

Geothermal heat is abundant in most parts of the country, and in many places, hot water from below the earth’s surface is used to heat homes and produce energy. At Krafla, one of the most well-known geothermal areas in the world, visitors have the opportunity to learn about the geology, history and utilization of geothermal energy in Iceland.

The Fljótsdalur Power Station is home to the Kárahnjúkar Dam, the tallest concrete-faced rockfill dam in Europe, and one of the largest of its kind in the world. Visitors can embark on a guided tour of the Dam, which highlights the development and nature of the area.

No matter which center you are able to visit, you are sure to learn some fascinating information about Iceland’s renewable energy! What’s your favorite fact about the Icelandic energy? Let us know by commenting below or by joining the conversation on Twitter!

