Products & Services Dec 09, 2014

Iceland’s First Full-Feature, Non-Narrative Film HEILD Now Available On DVD

The stunning documentary full of Icelandic scenery is now available worldwide.

HEILD, the non-narrative Icelandic film that came out last April, is now available on DVD! Heild, meaning totality, is a perfect title for a film that explores the entire country of Iceland in such a beautiful manner. As we mentioned a few months ago, “The film excludes narration and instead allows the Icelandic scenery to tell the story. Viewers are taken on an exploration of some of Iceland’s most well-known locations, as well as its little-known hidden places.”

Filmmaker Pétur Kristján Guðmundsson did a wonderful job solely using the Icelandic landscapes to tell a story. The 70 minute film features stunning cinematography and original music by Professor Kliq, with additional music from Ólafur Arnalds, Friðjón Jónsson, Trabant and Mono. The HEILD team worked on this documentary for 3 years, driving more than 50,000 km around Iceland. That adds up to more than one circle around the world!

Order a copy of the DVD online here – shipping is available worldwide! A downloadable digital HD version is also available to rent or buy here.

Don’t miss the movie’s latest trailer featuring Iceland’s waterfalls, wildlife, volcanoes, auroras and much more.


Heild – Trailer from TrailerPark Studios on Vimeo.

