Food & Drink Dec 01, 2017

Icelandic Provisions Introduces New Design

This popular Icelandic treat has a whole new look hitting the shelves at a grocery store near you!

Look for this Icelandic treat on your next visit to the grocery store! Icelandic Provisions, makers of the famous Icelandic dairy product skyr, recently changed its cup design to add a whimsical new look to its packaging. The design comes from popular geographical and cultural ideas from Iceland and will teach you some facts about the benefits and making of skyr!

Skyr is similar to Greek yogurt but is much thicker and denser than other yogurt types. Skyr even contains more protein and one-third less sugar than other yogurts. The new environmentally-friendly cup shape and labeling allows Icelandic Provisions to print a UPC code at the bottom, giving more space for information on the product. But don’t worry, the new design will not take away from your favorite taste inside. All of the traditional flavors (Plain, Vanilla, Coconut, Raspberry, Key Lime, Strawberry Lingonberry, Blueberry Bilberry and Peach Cloudberry) will remain available, as well as the same great taste and health benefits.

Next time you’re in the grocery store, be sure to check out this traditional Icelandic treat and its new, 100% recyclable packaging. Not sure where to get Icelandic Provisions? Check out their store locations near you!

