News Jan 29, 2015

Icelandic Glacial Founder Raises $31,000 for Charity: Water

To celebrate his 60th birthday, founder Jon Olafsson asked for donations to Charity: Water.

Jon Olafsson, chairman and founder of Icelandic Glacial™, sought to make an impact on his 60th birthday and change the lives of those without suitable drinking water. To do this, Olafsson partnered with Charity: Water to raise awareness and funds to help provide clean drinking water to those in need. Rather than accept gifts of his own, Olafsson asked friends, family and loved ones to donate directly to the charity through his personal fundraiser. At the close of Olafsson’s project, nearly $31,000 was raised and donated directly to the Sahel Region of West Africa.

“Water has always been extremely important to me and I know how lucky I am to come from the wonderful country of Iceland where outstanding water is available to all,” says Olafsson. “But to imagine millions of people without clean drinking water is devastating. That’s why this year, I decided to do something about it! I am proud to dedicate my 60th birthday to raising funds for Charity: Water, because every bit counts.”

Icelandic Glacial also recently parntered with the National Brain Tumor Society in order to increase awareness of the benefits of a naturally alkaline diet. Click here to learn more about Icelandic Glacial. 

