Food & Drink Jan 25, 2016

Icelandic Glacial and Cher Team Up to Provide Clean Water to Flint, MI

The donations are targeting community centers, food banks and firehouses.

In response to the water crisis currently taking place in Flint, MI, American singer and actress Cher teamed up with Icelandic Glacial to provide fresh water to the more than 100,000 residents who have been without fresh drinking water for over a year.

Cher has been an outspoken advocate for those in Flint through her social media properties for the last several weeks. After reaching out to Icelandic Glacial, the pair teamed up to provide 181,440 bottles of Iceland’s purest water to the city. The gift was sent to the Food Bank of Eastern Michigan, which distributed the water to community centers, food banks and firehouses, focusing on low-income housing areas where 40% of Flint’s population is living below the poverty line. Once the bottles are empty, they will be returned to the food banks who will turn them in for recycling. The money raised will then be given  back to the food banks.

“We are humbled and honored to help the people of Flint get through this crisis,” said Icelandic Glacial chairman and co-founder Jon Olafsson. “Together with Cher, we also hope to raise awareness to help get the families of Flint the assistance they need during this difficult time.”

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