Music & Art Dec 16, 2015

Icelandic Film ‘Rams’ Submitted for Foreign Language Oscar

Iceland’s top blockbuster may be featured in the award show of the year.

Updated 12/16: Deadline reporter Nancy Tartaglione recently released what she thinks are the top 10 contenders for the Best Foreign Language Oscar – and Rams was one of her picks! Click here to get her full thoughts on the potential nominees and be sure to stay tuned to hear if Rams makes the cut! 

Over the past few years Iceland has gained popularity in the film industry as a cinematic hub for some of the most talented directors and actors in the industry. Just recently, Icelandic director Runar Runarsson won the prestigious “Golden Shell” award for his film “Sparrows,” a coming of age tale about a 16-year-old boy sent to live with his estranged father. A top prize at the San Sebastian Film Festival in Spain, the “Golden Shell” is one of the most coveted awards in the film industry today. “Sparrows” is set in scenic Iceland, a beautiful backdrop that is another contributor to the country’s growing cinematic fame. The country’s picturesque landscape is a highly sought-after shooting destination that draws numerous A-list productions, like Interstellar and Game of Thrones. As an up-and-comng industry leader, Iceland hopes to gain even more notoriety with its foreign film submission in the 88th Academy Awards.

Every year, dozens of countries nominate a film of their choice to compete for the revered Foreign Language Oscar. This year, Iceland’s submission is titled ‘Rams’ and tells the tale of two brothers that live side by side, but haven’t spoken for 40 years. After their village is threatened by a lethal sheep disease, the brothers are forced to put aside their differences to save their flocks. A classic tale about the trials of life and the unbreakable bonds that form between family, ‘Rams’ is shaping up to be a top contender in this year’s show.  

Written and directed by Grímur Hákonarson, this tragicomedy is quickly gaining popularity all over the globe. Since its world premiere last May, the film has won the Special Jury and Audience Awards at the Transylvania International Film Festival, the Golden Tower for Best Film at the European Film Festival and the top prize in Cannes’ 2015 Un Certain Regard.

The U.S. distributor, Cohen Media Group, has strategically lined up this premiere for February 2, 2016 so that ‘Rams’ can make a lasting impression on the Academy Members before they make their final voting decisions on February 23. And ‘Rams’ does indeed have some tough competition! The film will be competing for the coveted award alongside 29 other foreign films. Hopefully the star talent of Sigurdur Sigurjonsson and Theodor Juliusson coupled with the vision of Hákonarson will be enough to clinch the award and put Iceland on the map as a cinematic powerhouse. Tune in to ABC on Sunday, February 28, 2016, to see if ‘Rams’ comes out on top.

In the meantime, watch the trailer for Rams here

