Food & Drink Jan 21, 2016

Icelandic Beers from Borg Brugghus: Curious and Strong

How one brewery is thinking outside the box to create unique Icelandic brews.

Borg Brugghus brewery is making waves with its new winter beers (14.5% ABV!) and its brewing process you’ve probably never heard of before. Beer connoisseurs will be scratching their heads while lining up to get a sample of these Icelandic brews.

Enjoying a beverage that has been smoked over a sheep-manure fire is the trend in Iceland right now, as Borg Brugghus’ Fenrir Nr 26 beer was voted one of the the world’s wackiest beers according to the Australian book, World’s Wackiest Brews. While this smoking method is well known and widely used in Iceland, it is a curious concept for the rest of the world. How could that not make your mouth water?

The “Þorri” season is winter in Iceland, and each year, the crop is different when it comes time to pick hops for the season’s beers. The Þorri season is a time when Icelandic people come together to enjoy native Icelandic food and beverages which have been pickled or smoked according to tradition.

In addition to their smoked sheep-manure beer, Borg brewery has released the strongest Icelandic beer yet, Surtur. The two Surtur beers called 8.1 and 8.2 are imperial stouts and have been aged in Bourbon barrels from America and single malt whiskey barrels from Scotland. Due to their production and aging process, these beers have an alcohol content of 14.5%!

Iceland is making a name for itself in the craft beer and liquor industry. Next time you’re traveling through Iceland, be sure to get a taste of native Icelandic culture and grab a sample of these unique brews.

If you visit Iceland and taste of either of these interesting beers, tell us about it on Twitter @IcelandNatural!

