Food & Drink Aug 14, 2012

Icelandic Bands Take Over The Stage At Chicago Music Festival


Lollapalooza is an annual summer music festival in Chicago, Illinois. Since its creation in 1991, it has brought together musicians from around the world to become one of the most notable music festivals each year. With a set list ranging from hip-hop, electronica, reggae, indie, rock, and many more, the festival offers a wide range of concerts.

This year two Icelandic bands landed a coveted spot on the Lollapalloza line-up representing their country in a way only Icelanders can. On August 5th, the last day of the three day festival, Sigur Ros took to the stage.  After previous days of high energy and rambunctious audiences, the beautiful and mysterious sounds of the Sigur Ros set were a welcomed break and the high temperatures of summer turned into a peaceful breeze. Described by audiences as one of the most anticipated and exciting sets of the festival, the four Icelanders did not disappoint. 

Next to the stage representing Iceland were the whimsical newcomers, Of Monsters and Men. It seems as though the audience had regained their energy after the Sigur Ros concert and were prepared to have a good time! The crowd was ready to go when the band took the stage and continued to cheer, dance, and sing throughout the entire set. 

Both bands are treasures of Iceland, and their musical talents continue to make their mark on the world. For more information on Lollapalooza visit Offical Lollapalooza 2012.  For additional information and tour dates visit the official website of Of Monsters and Men at Official Of Monsters and Men and for the official website of Sigur Ros visit Official Sigur Ros.

