Music & Art Feb 20, 2018

Icelandic Band Mammút Celebrates 15 Years!

The Taste of Iceland alum has released four albums since its formation in 2003.

The Icelandic band Mammút first met in 2003. Fast forward 15 years, and they added two new members, released four albums, and have spent nearly half their lives creating music together. Now considered one of Iceland’s more prominent music groups, the five-member band received numerous Icelandic music awards including Album of the Year and Song of the Year. Their newest album, Kinder Versions, is taking the world by storm.

In a recent interview with Reykjavik Grapevine, the group recalled all the memories that brought them to where they reached today. “People in the industry sometimes say we shouldn’t talk about how long we’ve been playing,” says Arnar, guitar player for the band. “But it’s a big part of who we are. It takes a lot of work and practice preparing for this. I think it’s a strength that we’ve been playing for fourteen years, and we’re still doing it.”

In 2004, the band played and won Músiktilraunir, the Icelandic annual battle of the bands, just one year after they formed. By 2013, the band released their third LP that won them multiple awards and recognitions. Today, the group is currently working on new music. They continue to love what they do and play at various festivals internationally including Iceland Airwaves and Taste of Iceland festivals.

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