Food & Drink Dec 01, 2014

Iceland Wins Two Gold Medals at Culinary World Cup

The Icelandic Culinary Team came in 5th place at Expogast 2014 in Luxembourg.

Iceland’s delicious gastronomy is an added bonus to the country’s beautiful landscapes, and the Icelandic Culinary Team’s recent awards prove it. Led by team captain Thrainn Freyr Vigfusson, the Icelandic Culinary Team won gold medals in the two categories they competed in on November 26 at Expogast 2014. This culinary World Cup is held every four years in Luxembourg, where over 45 teams from across the globe compete. The Icelandic team came in 5th place overall with dishes made from Icelandic lamb, Icelandic Brand Seafood cod, geothermally grown vegetables and the famous dairy product Skyr.

This year, the Icelandic team won gold medals in two categories – Culinary Art Table and Hot Kitchen. They practiced hard for the past 18 months, working “day and night at making the art table unique,” said Vigfusson.

The Icelandic Culinary Team consists of 12 chefs, including Blue Lagoon LAVA Restaurant chef Viktor Örn Andrésson, who may sound familiar because of the delicious meals he offered at the 2014 Taste of Iceland events! Other team members included Haflidi Halldorsson (manager), Fannar Vernhardsson, Bjarni Siguroli Jakobsson, Ylfa Helgadottir Kopar, Hafsteinn Olafsson Apotekid, Axel Clausen, Gardar Kari Gardarsson, Daniel Cochran, Ari Thor Gunnarsson, Hrafnkell Sigridarson and Maria Shramko. Shramko also competed individually and received three gold medals as well as one bronze for her unique sugar statues.

For more information on the team, visit their website or follow them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The team also has an app that features recipes from each team chef. Go ahead and let out your inner foodie, and feel free to share your Icelandic masterpieces with Iceland Naturally via Facebook or Twitter!

