News Feb 24, 2010

Iceland Naturally Photo Hunt Contest

Welcome to the official Taste of Iceland blog!
This blog will focus specifically on all of the Icelandic happenings in Boston for our March 11-17th events (a full schedule can be seen here).

We’re kicking off this blog the best way we can – with a contest!
So what’s the prize? An incredible gift basket courtesy of Icelandair filled with CDs, DVDs, chocolate, luggage tags, Blue Lagoon skin-care products, mints, playing cards, and more!

How to play:
Every few days, we will post clues leading to a specific Iceland-related object hidden somewhere in the city of Boston. All you have to do is follow your leads to the correct place, snap a picture, and send it to The winner will be randomly selected, and his or her picture posted to the blog. It’s as easy as that!

Sorry kids, you must be 18 or older play, and only residents of the greater Boston area are eligible to participate.

Happy Hunting! Here’s your first clue:
This Iceland native has taken pop culture by storm

