Business & Government Mar 23, 2016

Iceland Named Third Happiest Place in the World!

Nordic countries continue to rank as the world’s happiest nations.

Iceland has a long history of being named one of the happiest countries in the world. Every year, the World Happiness report, published by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, names the top- and bottom-ranking nations worldwide on a rigorous “happiness scale.” Iceland consistently places in the top 5 of this list.

This year was no exception. Iceland was named the third happiest country in the world, falling just behind Denmark and Switzerland by a fraction of a point. Canada came in at #5, and the United States ranked #13 on the list. The “happiness components” used to score each country include GDP per capita, social support, healthy life expectancy, freedom to make life choices, generosity and “everything else.” While Iceland came in third overall, their “generosity” score ranked higher than both Denmark and Switzerland – way to go, Iceland!

World Happiness Report

Even more interesting to note is that Iceland was one of only three countries to maintain or improve their happiness score despite external shocks like the 2008 economic crisis or natural disasters. This should come as no surprise to the land of fire and ice, which enacted special measures to keep moral up during these times.

Have you experienced this happy culture on a trip to Iceland? Let us know in the comments below or by tweeting @IcelandNatural!

