Nature & Environment Nov 25, 2014

Iceland Continues to Emerge as an HPC Hot Spot

Danish weather forecaster DMI moved its new High Performance Computer to Iceland.

The recent trend of increasingly volatile weather on the Danish horizon has prompted the national weather forecaster, DMI, to invest a new super computer that is ten times more powerful than the ones it currently operates. The computer is currently located in Copenhagen, but will be moved to Iceland where it will run off the country’s affordable green energy provided by Landsvirkjun.

According in an article in the Copenhagen Post, Iceland serves as a valuable resource for these large scale HPCs: “The benefits of placing the computer in Iceland is that power on the island is produced via water power and geothermal energy, and is thus 100 percent CO2 neutral.” It’s also more affordable to store the computer in Iceland thanks to the year round cool temperatures, which can save 440 MWh per year.

Click here to read more about the new HPC. For more information on Landsvirkjun and their ongoing green energy and technology initiatives, click here.

