Business & Government Mar 14, 2018

Iceland Celebrates 100 Years of Sovereignty!

2018 marks the centennial year of Iceland’s independence.

On December 1, 1918, Iceland became an independent and sovereign state when the Union Treaty with Denmark came into effect, which had been in progress for nearly a century. For Icelanders, this day is seen as one of the most monumental dates in history, as it established the nation as a determined, strong leader on the world stage.

During Iceland’s 100 year celebration, Icelanders nationwide are encouraged to celebrate the island nation’s unique culture and language throughout all of 2018. Icelanders have several exciting events to look forward to in the coming year to commemorate the anniversary!

In May, the Icelandic American Chamber of Commerce will host a discussion on the future of Icelandic language, featuring a keynote presentation from the President of Iceland, Mr. Guðni Th. Jóhannesson. 

On July 18, Iceland’s parliament, the Alþingi, will hold a celebration at Iceland’s ancient parliamentary site, Þingvellir, where the Union Treaty was signed 100 years ago in 1918. The celebration will be televised live for all of Iceland to tune into!

On December 1, all of Iceland will join in on the nationwide celebration of the 100 year anniversary! Universities, local governments, and all people of Iceland will come together to commemorate the day.

The government of Iceland is encouraging all Icelanders to lend a hand in planning events to celebrate the centenary. The goal is to encompass all aspects of Icelandic society, from education, culture, sciences, health, politics, economic development, communications, and transportation to daily life in Iceland. Learn more about the centenary here.

Watch this video to get a brief history of Iceland’s independence!

How will you be celebrating Iceland’s centenary? Let us know by tweeting us at @IcelandNatural!

