Business & Government Jan 03, 2016

Iceland is Becoming a Top Holiday Destination

More and more tourists are heading to Iceland to celebrate the holidays.

Iceland’s tourist numbers are expected to reach 1.3 million for 2015, including a recent surge of approximately 10,000 holiday tourists. In the past few years, the country has seen a 20% increase in tourists.

While Iceland has always attracted tourists during the summer months, more and more are scheduling their trips for the holidays. And why not? Winter is the best time to see the northern lights, and Reykjavik goes all-out when decorating for the holidays. In fact, USA Today named it one of 2015’s 10 Best Holiday Destinations! Iceland’s unique landscapes and weather patterns are in their prime during the winter months – and don’t worry, it’s not abnormally cold. Still looking for more reasons? Check out our top five reasons to visit Iceland in the winter!

An increasing number of Icelandic businesses are remaining open during the festive season, making the area more welcoming to visitors. According to the Icelandic Travel Industry Association, hotels now remain open throughout the winter season – and most are fully booked. Not long ago, most Icelandic hotels shut down during this time.

Did you spend the holidays in Iceland? Tell us about it in the comments below or by tweeting at @IcelandNatural!  

