Music & Art Dec 04, 2017

Iceland Airwaves Recap 2017

The 2017 festival was a huge success! Watch some of the performances here.

Iceland Airwaves 2017 was the festival’s best year yet! Taking over two Icelandic cities, the festival featured 207 artists playing in 229 official Airwaves sets in Reykjavik, with 8,500 attendees! Icelandair, founding sponsor of the festival, would like to thank everyone for attending this year and for celebrating Icelandic music and culture!

Read more about the festival from these roundups:

“This was my eighth or ninth Airwaves – I’ve lost count – and, for me, a traditional mix: reconnecting with music and bands I know, then walking into the new.” – Rolling Stone

“Oh, Airwaves. So much fun, glamour and glitter. So much beer, music, laughter and dancing under flashing lights. So much whirlwind, heat and flash. Every year, it feels like it’s over too soon.” – The Reykjavik Grapevine

“There’s a scale and accessibility that Iceland Airwaves manages to cling to fiercely. It’s a music lover’s paradise — a smorgasbord of sound, from the raw Icelandic hip hop to punk to metal to indie to dance to folk to atmospheric.” – The Current

“Though as always the festival showcased artists of all genres, the focus in 2017 seemed to be high energy and fun, whether hip-hop, punk, or electronic.” Iceland Review

“Iceland Airwaves 2017 was a great chance to dig deeper into the Icelandic music scene, with most of the country’s best acts appearing on the schedule multiple times across five nights.” Sterogum

Watch performances and interviews:

Emiliana Torrini and The Colorist (performance)

Osp (performance)

Mammut (performance)

Asgeir (performance)

200.000 Naglbitar (performance)

JFDR (performance)


Simon Raymonde (performance)

Mumford & Sons (interview)


Iceland Airwaves 2018 will take place November 7-10, 2018. Tickets are now on sale here. Buy yours before today before they’re all gone!

