Food & Drink Oct 15, 2012

Iceland Airwaves Journal Launches

The popular ‘Reykjavik Grapevine’ magazine has launched the Iceland Airwaves Journal, a special website dedicated to the upcoming music festival. The site features exclusive interviews with artists performing at Iceland Airwaves as well as an “Insider’s Guide” to getting the most out of the event.

The Iceland Airwaves music festival takes place October 31 – November 4.

Check out this snippet from the Iceland Airwaves website:

So you’ve decided to take the plunge and book your ticket for this year’s Airwaves. You’ve been stocking up on your Icelandic phrasebooks and re-listening to your Sigur Rós records to prepare. So far so good. But how do you know the right places to be seen? How will you know the perfect bar to have some shots with the Retro Stefson kids (who are out suspiciously much)? Where is the best place to get some cheap food? And who do you turn to if you have the need to acquire guns, drugs, midgets, or cat urine?

Well fear no more, because while we at the Grapevine are way too uncool and straight edge to know these things, we do know some people who can give you the skinny on what you should do to have the Airwaves of your life.”

Read more here!

