News Oct 31, 2009

Ghostigital Plays TWO Concerts in New York

Former Sugarcubes

One-of-a-kind Icelandic band Ghostigital is headlining at the third  annual Performa 09 where they will play a short piece for Intonarumori, the Futurist noise instruments designed by Luigi Russolo in 1913.

A concert featuring 16 different artists will be held @ Town Hall next Thursday November 12, as a part of Performa 09. In our piece we are doing a collaboration with legendary Icelandic sound artist Finnbogi Pétursson and New York’s own circuit bending maestro Casper Electronic (Pete Edwards).

The concert line-up includes: Blixa Bargeld, John Butcher, Luciano Chessa, Joan La Barbara, Nick Hallett, Pauline Oliveros, Mike Patton, Anat Pick, Elliott Sharp, Ulrich Krieger, Jennifer Walshe, Tony Conrad, Ghostigital, Finnbogi Petursson, and Casper Electronic.  Get the full story here.

The Town Hall @8pm
123 West 43rd Street
New York, NY

Ghostigital will also play a “normal” Ghostigital concert at Monkey Town in Williamsburg on Wednesday, November 11th. 

Monkey Town  @8:30pm
58 N 3rd St (btw. Kent & Wythe)//Williamsburg
Brooklyn, NY

Casper Electronics will play a supporting set on his amazingly freaky instruments.  We also hear the Monkey Town chef makes great food.

Read all about Ghostigital:   www.ghostigital.com

