Nature & Environment Jun 08, 2012

Future Project Expedition Gearing Up for a Moving Workshop Across Iceland

Future Project Expedition, a new vision of Project M, is currently launching its first project abroad. FPX: Iceland is a two-week moving workshop in consisting of 10–12 cyclists, designers, doers, and inventors. The team is riding approximately 250 miles this month, from Akureyri to Reykjavik starting June 13th. The ride will be roughly eight days long, with five days in the saddle, averaging 50 miles a day.

After spending those 8 days taking in the landscape, people and culture of Iceland, the team will spend its remaining six days in Reykjavik prototyping project ideas, with the intention forming a new self-sustaining enterprise. FPX: Iceland is a demonstration of human capability—to initiate positive change, to connect people, ideas, and resources, and to share personal stories of resilience. Coinciding with the start of Pop!Tech 2012, FPX:Iceland will be holding an evening event in Reykjavik on June 26th. There is an open invitation to Icelanders and international guests alike, to come see the results of the expedition and share ideas for its future. For more information, click here.

