Nature & Environment Oct 18, 2018

The Eyja Guldsmeden Hotel Awarded Iceland’s First Green Globe Certification!

This certification is awarded to hotels recognizing sustainable development in hospitality.

Reykjavik’s Eyja Guldsmeden Hotel is now the first hotel in the country to receive special recognition for its environmentally friendly practices! The hotel was awarded Iceland’s first Green Globe Certification, an environmental and social certification program represented in over 83 countries that recognizes sustainable development within the hospitality industry.

Opened in spring 2016 in the center of Reykjavik, the Eyja Guldsmeden Hotel operates according to guidelines set by the Guldsmeden Hotels, focusing on special practices to protect the environment and operate sustainably. For example, the hotel encourages guests to use the provided hotel bikes and drink all water from the tap.

Additionally, the hotel purchases all of its goods from fair-trade and eco-certified local suppliers. All of the goods are are brought in by car or bike once a week. The hotel has a carrier bicycle used for additional light shopping such as buying organic bread and pastries. The Eyja Guldsmeden Hotel also uses a CO2-neutral website and any printed matter is eco-certified. All bathroom products are organic and packaged with sustainable materials. Bed linen, duvets and towels that are too worn for the hotel, but still usable, are resown into pillow covers or donated to charity.

Each of these practices led the hotel to be awarded the special Green Globe Certification. “At Eyja Guldsmeden we believe quite strongly that we’re able to offer our guests the best possible experience and personal service while minimizing our impact on the planet and enhancing their health,” said Linda Jóhannsdóttir, CEO of Hotel Eyja Guldsmeden.

Eco-friendly travel options are projected to increase significantly in 2018 in order to meet green travelers’ demands; in fact, 76 percent of travelers say that implementing eco-friendly practices is important in their choice of lodging.

Does a hotel’s eco-friendly innovations affect where you choose to stay when you travel? Let us know in the comments below or on Twitter!

