Music & Art Apr 17, 2020

Explore Icelandic Music Genres with Iceland Music While You’re Home!

Iceland Music has compiled playlists from Icelandic musicians you can listen to for every type of mood

Are you searching for new music to listen to while you’re at home? Whether you’re getting work done, exercising, cooking, or enjoying whatever else it may be, Iceland Music, an export office created by various musical rights holders, has curated playlists on their website and Spotify profile to be your daily soundtrack. The playlist themes range from “Icelandic Roadtrip,” to “Icelandic Atmospheric,” to Icelandic Electronic” and everything in between! Well-known Icelandic artists with tracks on these playlists include KALEO, Benni Hemm Hemm, Ásgeir and more. 

Click here for Iceland Music’s Spotify profile and here for the website link. Be sure to follow them on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to get the latest updates in Icelandic music. Let us know what your favorite playlists are below in the comments!

About Iceland Music 

Iceland Music was formed in November 2006 as Útflutningsskrifstofa Íslenskrar Tónlistar (ÚTÓN), an export office created by various musical rights holders’ societies in partnership with governmental and private funds. In increasing access to information about Icelandic artists and collaborating with partners to promote Icelandic music abroad, Iceland Music increases the visibility of Icelandic music in the international sphere; Icelandic artists performed over 1250 international gigs in 2017 alone.

Within the music industry, Iceland Music organises marketing strategies for musicians and music businesses, and provides an essential one-stop resource for all interested parties.

Iceland Music achieves this end via a multi-strategy approach that includes building accessible, comprehensive databases, promoting Icelandic labels, bands and events, and providing information on Icelandic music to markets and the media. In this way, it encourages and helps Icelandic bands, PRs and record labels participate in events and festivals around the world.

Iceland Music is targeted at an international, English-speaking market and introduces Icelandic music, artists, labels, and festivals to a global audience. Social media plays an integral role in our English audience outreach, with Iceland Music maintaining active presences on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Spotify. Through these channels, audiences can stay updated with the latest happenings in Icelandic music of all genres; quarterly newsletters also provide direct-to-inbox information about happenings in the pop & indie, jazz & folk, and contemporary classical genres.

