Music & Art Aug 11, 2015

Experience Iceland’s Newest, Most Creative Arts Festival!

The Cycle Music and Art Festival will be held in Kópavogar August 13-16.

This summer, across the Icelandic city of Kópavogar, you will find an explosion of new music, performance art, visual arts, sound art and architecture between August 13 and 16. It’s the Cycle Music and Art Festival, and it’s happening right outside of Reykjavik. The festival is a new platform for artists to explore and present art in a non-traditional way with art pieces displayed in public spaces and found locations across Kópavogar.

Featured artists will include some of Iceland’s biggest stars, such as Ólafur Elíasson, Icelandic Love Corporation, Simon Steen-Anderson, and many more. Elíasson is an Icelandic artist with diverse talents, including sculpture, painting, photography, film, and installations. His piece, the Spiegeltunnel, is one attraction at Cycle that cannot be missed. Spiegeltunnel, pictured above, is a mirror sculpture that also incorporates a musical element composed by Páll Ragnar Pálsson. Depending on where the viewer stands in the tunnel, their perception of their surroundings will vastly change. As the audience moves around the sculpture, they will experience both a visual and auditory effect like nothing else.

The Icelandic Love Corporation is made up of three women, Eirún Sigurðardóttir, Jóní Jónsdóttir and Sigrún Hrólfsdóttir, who have been making art together since 1996. For Cycle, they will be putting on a public performance on the Hamraborg Bridge. The performance will be filmed during the festival and later exhibited at the Kópavogar Art Museum.

Another exciting creator at the festival will be Simon Steen-Andersen, the Berlin-based composer, performer and installation artist. His audiovisual performance Run Time Error will play out like a real-life video game in which Steen-Anderson will control a stereo soundtrack and double video projection with two joysticks in his hands. Run Time Error will be on display on the 13th.

andreas-greiner-multitudes-4--900x675-244431_full.jpgA preview for the Multitudes exhibit.

Other notable exhibits to catch at Cycle will be a microscopic art creation titled ‘Multitudes’ by Andreas Greiner, and an art installation of sounds and visuals inside an abandoned asylum called ‘Grisaille’. Iceland is a hotbed of artistic talent, and at Cycle you will find of the best of the best’s new art!

You can find tickets to the festival here, and for the rest of the festival program, click here!

