Business & Government Feb 27, 2019

Enjoy a Flight on Icelandair – the Airline that Fosters Gender Equality!

Iceland’s efforts to achieve gender equality in the workplace is celebrated and fostered by Icelandair, one of the country’s main employers.

Iceland’s leading airline, Icelandair, takes pride in Iceland’s efforts to promote a gender equal culture and celebrates it by supporting women’s rights and empowering females. Statistically speaking, Icelandair has been a leading employer in Iceland and in female-pilot ratio, which doubles that of any average commercial airline.

Twenty years ago on Women’s Rights Day, celebrated June 19, 1999, history was made when an Icelandair plane was flown by an all-female crew for the first time. Two years later, another momentous flight took off – this time swapping traditional gender norms in the airline industry, with female pilots and male flight attendants.

Dating back to 1805, Iceland has always positioned itself as a global leader in the conquest for equal rights. For the past 10 years, the country has topped the World Economic Forum’s annual index that measures gender equality. Additionally, the forum published The Global Gender Gap Report, which in 2018, stated that “the most gender-equal country to date is Iceland. It has closed over 85% of its overall gender gap.”

Icelanders continuously pursue new efforts that contribute to the equal rights cause. Most recently, the government was the first in the world to implement the Equal Pay Standard, making it mandatory for all companies to receive certification that they offer equal pay for work of equal value. Iceland ensures all people are fairly treated in the country, and these efforts set them closer to eradicating the gender pay gap completely.

Icelandair is a champion in workplace equality and invites travelers to get on board with this social cause. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below or on Twitter @IcelandNatural!

