News Mar 24, 2014

CNN: Reykjavik is One of the World’s Greatest Coffee Cities

If you’re looking for a fantastic cup of coffee, a trip to Reykjavik just might be in store! According to CNN, Scandinavians have the second highest coffee consumption per capita in the world – and Icelanders are no exception. But it hasn’t always been that way. A barista at Kaffitar in Iceland and reigning National Cupping Champion, Kristin Thora says that not too long ago cafes in Reykjavik were more about the food, but about 25 years ago Icelanders started to care about how their coffee was served. 

While Icelanders tend to drink drip coffee at home, they generally prefer espresso-based drinks in coffee houses. CNN suggests ordering a latte or cappuccino in Reykjavik. With Iceland’s lack of big, brand-name coffee companies, small local cafes are flourishing and you can find cafes on just about every street in Reykjavik, but CNN names Kaffitar, Stofan and Kaffismidja as favorites.

Other cities on CNN’s list are Rome, London, Melbourne, Seattle, Wellington, Singapore and Vienna. Click here to read the article on CNN.

