Nature & Environment Dec 30, 2015

CNN Names Iceland a Top Destination for 2016

An expert panel nominated Iceland a must-see frontier.

CNN recently announced its suggestions on where to travel in 2016 with the top 16 up-and-coming destinations around the world. Among the winners? Iceland, of course!

The news outlet sought advice from a panel of travel experts who live to explore new frontiers. Those experts say adventurers are now more attracted to extreme and isolated lands, like the ever-changing and diverse Icelandic landscape.

One of the top reasons for Icelandic travel is the northern lights, which are especially visible between September and April. Experts also suggest traveling to west Iceland to see the world’s largest man-made ice cave, which opened to the public in June 2015. The cave gives visitors the chance to see the ice that’s been forming in the area for centuries. Information about Iceland’s receding glaciers line the walls, and there are plenty of benches that allow you to sit and enjoy the tunnel views. With this travel package from Icelandair, you can book your own Into the Glacier experience along with non-stop flights to Iceland, hotel stay and more.

Iceland’s Scandinavian neighbors, Greenland and Norway, are also featured on list, along with destinations like Madagascar, Mongolia and Romania.

Looking for more to do during your Icelandic getaway? Check out our top five reasons to visit Iceland this winter! Is Iceland part of your 2016 travel plans? Tell us in the comments below or by tweeting @IcelandNatural.

