Business & Government Mar 24, 2014

CNN Names Iceland the 9th Happiest Country in the World

The United Nations declared March 20 the International Day of Happiness, recognizing the relevance of “happiness and well-being as universal goals and aspirations in the lives of human beings around the world.” In order to celebrate the occasion, CNN wrote about the 2013 World Happiness report, which analyzes ‘happiness data’ like life expectancy, GDP per capita, social support, generosity, freedom to make life choices and levels of corruption.

While we can’t necessarily live in the happiest nations, CNN points out that we can certainly travel there and pick up on the happy spirit during our stay. If you’re traveling to Iceland, the 9th happiest country in the world, CNN suggest stopping by for a dip in the Blue Lagoon before exploring the country’s glaciers, volcanoes, craters, lava formations, black sand beaches and massive waterfalls.

The majority of the world’s happiest countries are in Scandinavia. Also included in the top 10 are Denmark (number one on the list), Norway, Switzerland, Netherlands, Sweden and  Finland. Click here to see the full list in CNN.


