Music & Art Nov 10, 2015

Check Out Icelandair’s “Songs of Ice & Fire” Infographic

Learn more about Iceland’s erupting music scene, history & more!

Undoubtedly, you’ve heard of some famous Icelandic musicians like Bjork and Of Monsters & Men – and perhaps Taste of Iceland in Boston alums, Kaleo and Beebee and the bluebirds. You’ve probably also heard of some internationally recognized Icelandic music festivals, like Iceland Airwaves (you did watch our live stream, right?), and Secret Solstice. But there’s a lot more to Icelandic music than you may be aware of. Check out this infographic courtesy of Icelandair for an in-depth look at the history of music in Iceland, artists you need to check out, popular Icelandic music venues and more!

