Food & Drink Feb 23, 2017

Celebrate 2017 All Year Long with Reyka Vodka!

See what Iceland’s favorite vodka company is up to in the new year.

Skál! Reyka Vodka cheered in the New Year by inviting 150 bartenders from New York City, Boston, Portland, Chicago and Seattle to take the plunge. Reyka’s “Arctic Plunge” involved taking a dip in freezing, icy waters for charity. Prior to the event, Reyka Vodka hosted a breakfast for all participants and then helped them warm up after with some Reyka bathrobes, towels, hunter hats, sunglasses and mittens, which definitely attracted a lot of attention from spectators on the beach! Participating bartenders also got to enjoy an after-party featuring none other than Reyka Vodka cocktails.

Always one for a celebration, Reyka Vodka has taken to Facebook lately to help celebrate different holidays throughout the year! Partnering with Iceland’s own Frikki, Reyka Vodka hosted a Facebook Live event to personally wish a happy holidays to every single person in Iceland. The celebrations with Frikki continued as he brought cheer to Groundhog’s Day and the Winter Solstice. You can check out the video below!

What Frikki video is your favorite? Let us know by tweeting us at @IcelandNatural.

