Food & Drink Oct 22, 2015

Borg Brugghús Comes Out on Top at the World Beer Awards

The Icelandic beer company’s Solveig Nr. 25 was named Europe’s Best Strong Wheat Beer.

Iceland is known for many things – beautiful waterfalls, rugged glaciers, the stunning northern lights, and critically-acclaimed spirits. It’s home to Brennivin, aka “Black Death,” a caraway-style aquavit, and Reyka Vodka, a high-quality, refreshing spirit. But did you know it’s also home to some award-winner beer?

Iceland’s Sólveig Nr. 25 beer, produced by Borg Brugghús, has been voted Europe’s Best Strong Wheat Beer at the 2015 World Beer Awards.

A group of judges, led by leading beer expert Roger Protz, tasted (while blindfolded) a selection of beers from all over the world and scored them on their various characteristics. According to master brewer at Borg Brugghús, Valgeir Valgeirsson, the award has already led to inquiries from foreign importers. Valgeirsson expects the beer to be exported when production restarts next spring. Maybe if we’re lucky it will make its way to North America!

Have you tried Icelandic beer before? Let us know what you think in the comments!

