News Nov 15, 2011

Björk Wins Digital Genius Award


has been awarded the ‘Digital Genius’ gong at the MTV O Music Awards, in honour of her truly groundbreaking technological tour de forceBiophilia. Quite right too, we say.

The O Music Awards invites fans to cast votes for their favourite artists in techno-savvy award categories such as ‘Must Follow Artist On Twitter’, ‘Best Vintage Viral’, ‘Best Artist With A Cameraphone’ and so on. Hence the ‘O’ – it’s ‘o’ for ‘offbeat’, ‘outrageous’ and more importantly, ‘online’, you see. 

The Digital Genius category is tantamount to NME’s Godlike Genius award in O Music world, and Björk’s Biophilia was described on the O Music blog as a “massive experience encompassing a series of interactive iPad apps, custom-made instruments, innovative live shows and  education programs for children.” Which sums it up rather neatly.

Also nominated for the ‘Digital Genius’ award were Wayne Coyne from the Flaming Lips, DEVO, Girl Talk and the director Chris Milk. 

Here’s a little taste of Björk’s Biophilia in case you’ve missed it because you’ve been living on another planet (although even that would be no excuse as she’s probably already found a way to beam it into space.) See what all the fuss is about. This is ‘Thunderbolt‘, from the live Biophilia show.


