Literature Dec 10, 2019

Announcing the 2019 Icelandic Literature Prize Nominees

Fifteen nominations include works from three different genres!

Icelandic literature has grown immensely in popularity around the world, with translations of Icelandic works becoming highly sought after and translators in higher demand than ever before! On December 1st, the Icelandic Literature Center announced 15 nominees for the 2019 Icelandic Literature Prize. The nominations include five works from three different categories: Fiction and Nonfiction, Children and Young Adult. The President of Iceland, Guðni Th. Jóhannesson, will present the awards in early 2020. Read on for the full list of nominees!


  1. Bergþóra Snæbjörnsdóttir: Svínshöfuð
  2. Bragi Ólafsson: Staða pundsins
  3. Guðrún Eva Mínervudóttir: Aðferðir til að lifa af
  4. Sölvi Björn Sigurðsson: Selta – Apókrýfa úr ævi landlæknis
  5. Steinunn Sigurðardóttir: Dimmumót


  1. Jón Viðar Jónsson: Stjörnur og stórveldi á leiksviðum Reykjavíkur 1925 – 1965
  2. Ólína Kjerúlf Þorvarðardóttir: Lífgrös og leyndir dómar – Lækningar, töfrar og trú í sögulegu ljósi
  3. Páll Baldvin Baldvinsson: Síldarárin 1867-1969
  4. Sigríður Kristín Þorgrímsdóttir: Jakobína – saga skálds og konu
  5. Unnur Birna Karlsdóttir: Öræfahjörðin – Saga hreindýra á Íslandi

Children and Young Adult

  1. Arndís Þórarinsdóttir: Nærbuxnanjósnararnir
  2. Bergrún Íris Sævarsdóttir: Langelstur að eilífu
  3. Hildur Knútsdóttir: Nornin
  4. Lani Yamamoto: Egill spámaður
  5. Margrét Tryggvadóttir: Kjarval – málarinn sem fór sínar eigin leiðir 

Which book on the list is your favorite? Let us know on Twitter or in the comments below! 

