Food & Drink Oct 11, 2012

A Taste of Iceland in Seattle: Icelandic Menu at Staple & Fancy

Hi everyone!

Kelsey Kaufman here, your official correspondent for a Taste of Iceland in Seattle.

Last night I attended the media reception at Staple & Fancy. The food for the evening was prepared by Bocuse d’Or recipient and World Culinary Cup winner Chef Hakon Mar and acclaimed Seattle Chef Ethan Stowell.

Me with Chef Hakon Mar (left) and Chef Ethan Stowell (right).

The bartender at Staple & Fancy, Chris, showed me how to make the featured beverage of the evening, the Smoking Bay Cocktail. A combination of Reyka Vodka, lemon and caraway made for a perfect introduction to the four-course meal. Watch the video on how to make it here!

We were treated to an acoustic performance from Icelandic singer-songwriter Ásgeir Trausti and his friend Julius. Ásgeir and Julius told me it was their first time to the United States! It’s hard to believe Ásgeir is only 20-years old, yet he has accomplished so much with his pitch-perfect voice and musical talent.

Ásgeir (left) and Julius.

Each dish had a separate wine pairing that enhanced the flavors of the cuisine. Many of the ingredients were shipped in from Iceland that day! For those of you who may not be familiar with Nordic cuisine, it’s all about letting the ingredients speak from themselves. Listen to the chefs talk to me more about their partnership in this video!

My favorite dish of the evening was the “hardfiskur” Icelandic dry-fish. The traditional dish was served with salted butter and originates from primitive preserving methods. It is often eaten as a snack or packed for a healthy lunch in Iceland.

“Hardfiskur” Icelandic dry-fish.

The menu for the evening.

Pickled herring.

Overall, the media reception at Staple & Fancy was a great start to the event. The evening was filled with great conversation about Northwest and Nordic cuisine and the culture in Iceland. Not only did I learn a lot, but I left with a full stomach and excitement for the days to come.

-Kelsey Kaufman

