Business & Government Sep 23, 2014

A Look at the World’s Most Peaceful Country’s Police Force

Low crime rates allow Icelandic police to engage in some unique and adorable activities.

In 2014, Iceland was ranked the world’s most peaceful country by the Global Peace Index. In fact, it’s been ranked number one since 2008. Recently, Reykjavik’s police force has captured the attention of the world by capturing how fun, caring and empathetic they are through social media. This Instagram account documents the day-to-day happenings of Reykjavik’s police officers. Officers are shown playing with cats and parrots, biking with young children, pretending to be David Hasselhoff and enjoying a cup of coffee at a local spot that only accepts donations as payment, like everyday Icelandic citizens

According to Tim Nudd of AdWeek, “Humanizing any police force can lead to better relations with citizens, and a safer community overall. But this is also just about being real, not taking things too seriously and delivering useful information in a more entertaining package.”  Reykjavik citizens reported 98% overall satisfaction with their city according to research by the UK’s Office of National Statistics. Perhaps this overall level of happiness can be attributed to the fun-loving police force that promotes a positive atmosphere throughout the city!

Click here to see even more fun examples of Reykjavik’s cops in action!

