In Iceland Oct 09–Dec 08, 2015

Yoko Ono Lights the Imagine Peace Tower in Viðey on Oct. 9

Don’t miss this mesmerizing, inspiring art installation!

On October 9th, the one and only Yoko Ono plans to light up the Icelandic sky with an incredible art installation on the island of Viðey in Kollafjörður Bay, just outside Reykjavík Harbor. The Imagine Peace Tower is a pillar of light that shoots into the sky and “emanates healing, wisdom and joy.” It pays tribute to John Lennon and will remain lit every day from October 9 at 8pm (John Lennon’s birthday) until December 8th, the anniversary of his death.

The artwork was first unveiled October 9th in 2007, Lennon’s 67th birthday, and has been re-lit every year since. It’s also lit from the Winter Solstice (December 21st) into the New Year (December 31st), the first week of spring (March 20th – 27th), and Yoko’s birthday, February 18th. The tower is an incredible sight, interacting with Iceland’s unique weather conditions – it looks different and equally beautiful in the cloud cover, in heavy rain and on clear nights. It serves to carry on the legacy of peace and connection that John and Yoko sought to spread through their life work.

On the night of October 9th there will be a ceremony that Yoko has invited the public to, even going so far as to provide free ferries to Viðey Island. The ceremony begins at 7:00pm by Viðeyjarnaust and includes works from musician Snorri Helgason and the Graduale Nobili Choir. Reykjavík also offers free public transportation from Hlemmur bus station to/from Skarfabakki where the ferry departs. From the 10th of October on, the Imagine Peace Tower also offers guided tours about the history and nature of the art installation.

Don’t miss this gorgeous beacon of light from October 9th until December 8th! Check out this exclusive interview with Yoko Ono on the origin of the Peace Tower and her personal side of the story:

