Mar 19, 2018

Welcome Warmer Days With the First Day of Summer Celebration!

On April 19th, Iceland celebrates the first day of summer with parades, events, and entertainment.

Sumardagurinn fyrsti, or “first day of summer,” is a national Icelandic celebration welcoming the warmer and longer days of summer ahead. This year’s celebration will be held on April 19th, and Icelanders across the country will be taking part in the festivities.

While the summer solstice does not occur until the end of June, the first day of summer celebration in Iceland traces back to the Old Norse Calendar which divided the year into only two seasons, summer and winter. Currently, the celebration takes place annually on the first Thursday after April 19th.

Icelanders from around the country celebrate the first day of “summer” with parades, sporting events, and organized entertainment. Each town has its own celebratory program typically featuring brass bands and parades of scouts. Another celebratory tradition is indulging in Pönnukökur, which are Icelandic pancakes! These popular sumardagurinn fyrsti treats are thin and crepe-like and either covered in sugar or filled with whipped cream and jam.

How will you be celebrating the first day of summer? Let us know by tweeting @IcelandNatural!

