Sep 05, 2020

Watch the Réttir Tradition Live From Iceland!

Tune into our Facebook livestream on September 5 to experience this uniquely Icelandic event!

On September 5 at 12pm ET, tune into Iceland Naturally’s Facebook page for a special, 30 minute livestream event that takes you into the world of Icelandic Lamb farming! The event will take place in Borgarhafnarrétt, near Höfn in the south east of Iceland. You’ll get a firsthand look at Icelandic farming and herding practices followed by a 15 minute Q+A session where you can get your own questions answered!

Come September, the end of the season, Icelandic farmers set about retrieving their flock in a community-driven event known as Réttir. Sheep have been roaming free in the highlands all summer, and now it is time to gather them and sort them back to their respective farms This uniquely Icelandic farming tradition traces its history back over 300 years. Rounding-up sheep from the mountains can take several days, and is undergone in a variety of ways, from foot-travel to riding ATVs. Sheep dogs are routinely utilized to help out with the task. Many still opt for the old-fashioned method of shepherding on horseback, which makes for a dramatic sight against the open backdrop of the Icelandic landscape. It’s quite the undertaking, but everyone pitches in. And this year you can join us for the event virtually on our Facebook page!

Be sure to tune in on Saturday, September 5 at 12pm ET to catch this impressive tradition, and share the livestream with your friends and family. See you there!

