In North America

“Visible Iceland” Photography Exhibit Coming to Washington, D.C.

Experience Iceland's stunning natural beauty from November 7 - 29, 2014.

“Visible Iceland” is a unique photography exhibit featuring prominent Icelandic and American photographers, including: Jillian Watkins, Elena Sheehan, Katrín Elvarsdóttir, Friðgeir Helgason, Svavar Jonatansson, Rax Axelsson, and Pall Stefansson. The exhibit’s goal is to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to experience the sheer natural beauty of Iceland through the photographers’ images, which they captured throughout their Icelandic adventures.

You can get a sneak peak of the “Visible Iceland” exhibit by checking out this video. As artists, printing, framing, shipping and insurance, among other associated costs are all expenses which erode the revenue that an artist can make when selling their work. Because of this, the photographers launched a Kickstarter campaign to debut the exhibit, which was successfully funded on September 14.

The beautiful photographs will be on display for three weeks, beginning on November 7 through the 29. The exhibit coincides with FotoWeekDC and is sure to draw and impressive crowd. The gallery is located at The Hillyer, 9 Hillyer Court, NW, Washington, D.C. 20008.

Stay updated on the latest “Visible Iceland” news by following them on Twitter.

