Oct 10, 2017

Take the Challenge to Perform the ‘Hardest Karaoke Song in the World!’

Can you keep up and pronounce every word to this tune?

Updated 12/27/2017: Check out the The A-Ö of Christmas!

Have you ever seen an Icelandic word and just said, “How in the world am I supposed to pronounce that?” Fortunately, Inspired by Iceland has created a sing-along song for us to get the hang of the Icelandic language! Now viewed over 8 million times by people all over the world, the video has become a success in promoting Icelandic culture and responsible tourism!

The song features Steindi, a fearless Icelander who shows the many great wonders Iceland has to offer. From luscious baths, to the abundance of sheep, Steindi checks everything off the Icelandic bucket list any tourist would want.

But the most entertaining part of the song is the lyrics. Singing mostly in English, Steindi occasionally switches out English words and phrases with Icelandic words, making it the “hardest karaoke song in the world.” Calling it “The A-Ö of Iceland,” Steindi makes sure to add as many words from A to Ö (A to Z) as possible to test our pronunciation skills.

Paired with the beautiful music video, Inspired by Iceland also made a hilarious compilation video of tourists attempting to sing along to truly the hardest karaoke song in the world. Having the tourists stumble in the process is quite humorous but it’s nothing new to locals. The director of the video, Inga Hlín Pálsdóttir said, “We are always looking for ingenious ways to inspire visitors to engage with more aspects our country and our seven regions. We have launched our new A-Ö campaign to explore our island using our unique language and alphabet. We know Icelandic is difficult to pronounce but through our karaoke film we wanted to encourage visitors to have a go and also show the world we are not afraid to laugh along.”

Christmas may be over, you can also learn the The A-Ö of Christmas and learn about some of Iceland’s holiday traditions, including the famous Yule Lads!

So do you think you have what it takes to sing the hardest karaoke song in the world? Inspired by Iceland wants you to sing along and share your attempts with #SingIceland!

