In Iceland

Sequences Art Festival: April 10-19

A result of Reykjavik’s dynamic art scene, Sequences continues to draw an international audience of artists.

Photo Credit: Ann Feitelson

Sequences Art Festival is an independent, biennial event that aims to produce and present progressive visual art with a special focus on time-based mediums such as performance, sonic works, video, and public interventions. An offspring of the dynamic art scene that thrives in Reykjavik, Sequences is the first art festival in Iceland to focus on visual art alone. The festival was founded in 2006 by four artist-run galleries: The Living Art Museum, Kling & Bang Gallery, Gallery Dwarf and Gallery Bananananas, as well as The Icelandic Art Center.

For every festival, a new artistic director is hired to reshape the edition according to their vision, making it unique and exciting every time. Alfredo Cramerotti, an Italian writer, curator, and artist, was selected to be this year’s artistic director. Sequences VII, will take place April 10-19 and will feature Carolee Schneemann as the honorary artist.

Over 300 artists from around the world have participated in the festival since its inception in 2006. Here is a list of this year’s participants: Ed Atkins, Jordan Baseman, Hanna Kristín Birgistóttir, Margrét H. Blõndal, Helga Griffiths, Francesca Grilli, Staymir Õm Guõmundsson, Graham Gussin, Anne Haaning, Kolbeinn Hugi Hõskuldsson, Selma Hreggviõsdóttir, Hkla Dõgg Jónsdóttir, David Kefford, Raul Keller, Kris Lemsalu, Katarina Lõfstrõm, Ragnar Heigi Ólafsson, Beatrice Pediconi, Finnbogi Pétursson, Sally O’Reilly, Ene Liis-Semper, Margrét Helga Sesseljudóttir, Helgi Þorsson.

Read more about the artists here and for more about the festival, click here.




