In North America Feb 23–Jun 08, 2019

See “Nordic Impressions: Contemporary Art” at the Scandinavia House!

The new exhibit opens on February 23 and features different media and themes across the Nordic region.

A new, unique exhibit is coming to the Scandinavia House in New York! Nordic Impressions: Contemporary Art from Åland, Denmark, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden will arrive at the cultural center on February 23, and be open to the public through June 8, 2019. The exhibits are free and can be viewed Tuesdays through  Saturdays from 12-6, and Wednesdays from 12-7pm.

This new exhibition brings together a wide array of artistic expressions designed to reflect the diversity and global character of Nordic art. Curated by Phillips Collection Chief Curator and Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, Klaus Ottmann, the exhibit will feature a variety of paintings, drawings, photographs, installations, films, and videos from Nordic nations. Just some of the acclaimed Icelandic artists featured will be Olafur Eliasson, Katrín Sigurdardóttir, Ragnar Kjartansson, Hrafnhildur Arnardóttir /Shoplifter and more!

Featuring various media pulled from locations throughout the Nordic region, the exhibition offers a cultural experience that ties together themes from Nordic culture, including light and darkness; the coalescence of nature and folklore; women’s rights and social liberalism; and today’s pressing subjects such as climate change, sustainability, and immigration. The new exhibit is the result of the the multi-year Nordic Cultural Initiative, a collaboration between the Phillips Collection and the Washington, D.C.-based embassies of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden, which launched in 2014 to promote the wealth of Nordic artistic talent.

Nordic Impressions is set to open on Saturday, February 23, and will be accompanied by a range of programming, including related art workshops, events for children, an opening day book launch with artist Tanya Toft Ag, and an upcoming artist panel during Armory Week.

Programming will be continually updated throughout the winter and spring, so be sure to check back here for more details! Fascinated by Icelandic art? Follow us on Twitter to keep up to date on Iceland’s art scene!

