In Iceland

Reykjavík Winter Lights Festival: February 5-8, 2015

Experience the beauty of Reykjavik February 5-8 during the annual celebration of light!

Iceland’s long winter days of darkness are set to be illuminated magnificently at the next Reykjavík Winter Lights Festival, which will be hosted in the city from February 5 – 8, 2015.

The main objective of the festival is to illuminate the dramatic darkness of winter with a collection of sparkling events, which both celebrate and emphasize the beauty of Reykjavík City.

Featured elements of the upcoming Winter Lights Festival include a number of selected light-art commissions together with our popular theme nights: Museum Night and Pool Night.

On Museum Night, a total of forty museums in Reykjavík City will open their doors to the public for free and stay open until midnight. Each museum will offer a tempting array of fascinating and unusual events for guests of all ages to enjoy.

On Pool Night guests will be able to enjoy the unique Reykjavík pool experience free of charge in Laugardalslaug, Grafarvogslaug and Sundhöll Reykjavik, from 8:00 p.m. until midnight.

Prepare to be amazed by the dramatic interplay of darkness and light at the 2015 Winter Lights Festival

“Rafmögnuð Náttúra” by Marcos Zotes
Photo Raggi Th. Sigurðsson 

