Noi the Albino/Nói albínói, screened with 2 Birds/Smáfuglar

Wednesday, November 18, 6:30 pm & Saturday, November 21, 3 pm

Directed by Dagur Kári Petursson (2003). Is 17-year-old Nói the village idiot or a genius in disguise? Enduring an unsatisfactory relationship with his binge-drinking father and constantly in trouble at school, exceptionally bright Nói is bored and constrained by small town life in the remote Icelandic fishing village where he lives. He drifts about aimlessly, drinking beer at the petrol station and smoking cigarettes in his secret basement lair for hours on end. The arrival of a beautiful new girl, Íris, however, revitalizes him, and awakens a dream of escape to a better place. As gentle comedy gives way to catastrophe, the question becomes: is nature with Nói or against him? Bleak, beautiful and tinged with a touch of the supernatural, Noi the Albino was a hit on the international film festival circuit. 90 min.

Preceded by 2 Birds/Smáfuglar

Directed by Rúnar Rúnarsson (2008). The international film festival circuit’s current darling, 2 Birds takes place during one bright summer night and follows a group of young teenagers on a journey from innocence to adulthood. It is a delicate study in yearning, love and the compassion that binds us all together and makes us human, even when facing the most difficult of choices. 15 min.

