In North America Aug 14, 2020

Livestream Event: Watch the Film “Cosmic Birth”

We'll be live streaming the film "Cosmic Birth" from our Facebook page on August 14 at 4:00pm ET.

Catch Icelandic film Cosmic Birth streaming live on our Facebook page on August 14 starting at 4:00pm ET! The film will be streaming right from The Exploration Museum in Húsavík, Iceland and will be followed by a brief Q+A.

Cosmic Birth is a 2019 Icelandic documentary film about mankind’s journey to the Moon and the experience of viewing the Earth from a quarter of a million miles away. The film also looks into the role that Iceland played in the training of the Apollo astronauts for the first manned missions to another world. Cosmic Birth is written and directed by Exploration Museum founder Örlygur Hnefill Örlygsson and filmmaker and musician Rafnar Orri Gunnarsson, who met 5 of the Apollo astronauts and got a first hand account of their life changing journeys, both to Iceland and later to the Moon.

Check out the full trailer below:

